散手道 四 抱脚摔


Chapter 4

HoIding Leg(s) Throws



4-I. Introduction

   Holding leg(s) techniques are often used in San Shou Kuai Jiao fight-ing. They are very effective when defending against an opponent's kicks or for controlling an opponent's leg(s) at close range. These kinds of throws are used when you have the opportunity to hold an opponent's leg(s). Generally, these techniques are used for long range and close range fighting.

   In long range fighting these techniques are used when defending against an opponent's kick. Catch or trap the kicking leg and then apply the throw. When applying this type of technique, keep your body as far away from your opponent as possible so that he cannot strike you while you are holding his leg. You need to unbalance your opponent first so that even if he does strike, there will be little power behind it.

    For close range fighting, the holding leg(s) techniques require you to get very close to your opponent, and are normally coupled with fakes, attacks, or defenses to disguise your intention. While your opponent is reacting to your first move, you must enter quickly, get hold of his leg(s), unbalance him, then throw him down. Keep in mind that when you are close enough to your opponent to hold his leg(s) you are vulnerable to attack. Therefore, move in and apply the throw as quickly as possible.

Avoid struggling with your opponent, and give him no time to react and strike back.

   In this chapter, we will introduce San Shou Kuai Jiao techniques for holding an opponent's leg(s) to throw him. Your hold must be tight and strong and the catching, lifting, and pulling movements quick and power-ful. The throw itself should also be fast, smooth, and strong. A half-heart-ed throw is a waste of energy and can put you in a dangerous position.


4-2. Holding Leg(s)J Throwing Techniques

1. Holding Two Legs, Pressing Forward Throw 抱兩腿前頂摔

a). Gray steps with right foot forward and attacks with a right-handed punch. White blocks outward with his left arm. Then White strikes Gray with both hands to the face or chest (or White will initiate the attack) (Figure 4-1).

b). Gray moves his head to dodge White's attack or raises his arms to block. White moves his hands quickly downward to grab and hold both of Gray's legs. White steps forward with either the right or left foot deep in between Gray's legs (Figure 4-2).

c). White pulls with both hands back and upward with force and drives the body forward, using his shoulder to strike Gray's thigh or abdomen and forcing Gray to fall backward (Figures4-3 and 4-4).

Key Points

a). Drop low as quickly as possible

b).Your body weight should be slightly more on the rear leg to create pushing power for the drive. Push forward from the rear leg and lift the hands upward simultaneously.

2. Holding One Leg, Hand Blocking Throw 抱單腿手別

a). Gray's right foot is forward and he attacks with his right hand. White blocks outward with his left arm, then strikes Gray’s face or solar plexus with both hands (or initiates the attack)(Figure 4-5).

b).When Gray moves to dodge the attack or raises his arms to block or swing, White quickly steps his right foot forward deep in between Gray's legs and grabs Gray's right leg. White moves his right hand quickly behind Gray's left leg to block it. White presses firmly on the hollow of Gray's left knee to immobilize him (Figure 4-6).

c). Then White uses his right shoulder to strike Gray's right thigh and simultaneously turns his body to the left to make Gray fall(Figure 4-7 and 4-8).


Key Points

a). Drop low as quickly as possible. Do not give your opponent time to strike while you are grabbing his legs.

b). Get your front leg as deep as possible in between your oppo- nent's leg.

c). Hold the legs and press firmly with both hands so your oppo-nent can't easily move before the throw is executed.

3. Holding One Leg, Leg Blocking Throw 抱單腿別腿

a). Gray's right foot is forward and he attacks with a right hand strike. White blocks outward with his left arm, then strikes Gray's face or solar plexus with both hands (or initiates an attack) (Figure 4-9).

b).When Gray moves to dodge the attack or raises his arms to block, White takes a half-step forward with his left foot and places it in front of Gray's right foot. White then drops his body and quickly grabs Gray's right leg with his left hand and

wraps his right hand around Gray's body. White pivots his left foot outward and extends his right foot in between Gray's legs and behind Gray's left foot (Figure 4-10).

c). White twists his body to the left and uses his chest to press Gray's right thigh downward to make Gray fall on his back. Or, White can move forward to make Gray fall backward (Figure4-11).


Key Points

a). Drop your body and insert your right leg to block your oppo-nent's left foot as quickly as possible.

b). Your left leg should be well bent for good root and balance.

c).When twisting to the left, your right hand and shoulder. should also apply force to your opponent's body.


4.Holding One Leg, Rotating the Body, Elbow Pressing Throw 接腿旋身肘压

a). Gray throws a right round house kick to White's left. White bends his left arm so his elbow points out. White's right arm leans against his upper left arm and the right palm faces out-ward to block Gray's kick. This is called Palm and Elbow

Crossing Method (Figure 4-12).

b). White then turns his hand outward and upward and tightly holds Gray’s leg. White steps forward with his right foot and puts it next to Gray’s left foot, and uses his right hand to block Gray’s right hand(figure 4-13).

c).With his left foot, White steps behind the right leg. White turns quickly to the left and uses his right elbow to press against Gray’s thigh to make Gray twist and fall.(Figure4-14).


Key Points

a). When stepping behind your right foot, keep his right leg tight-ly locked and pull it towards the rear left corner. Your body weight should be more on the right leg to form a Bow Stance to keep good balance.

b).Your right arm or elbow should press down on your oppo-nent's leg to keep him off balance before the throw.

c). When turning to the left, your body weight should shift from right to left as quickly and smoothly as possible.

5. Holding One Leg, Moving Forward and Pressing Down Throw  摟腿前按摔

a). Gray attacks with a right heel kick or front kick lower than chest height. White is standing with right foot forward. White's right hand moves downward to intercept the kick(Figure 4-15).

b).White steps forward with his left foot while his right hand scoops upward to catch Gray's kicking leg and lock it. White continues to lift with his right arm while his left hand presses on Gray's body to upset Gray's balance (Figure 4-16).

c).White continues to lift and press forward until Gray falls(Figure 4-17).


Key Points

a). Dodge left to evade your opponent's kick before extending your right hand to intercept. This is safer if you miss catching the kicking leg.

6. Holding Two Legs Sideways Throw 抱双腿侧摔

a). White initiates the attack with a strike to Gray’s head(Figure 4-18).

b). As Gray defends, White drops his body low and steps forward to get closer to Gray. White extends both arms and encircles Gray's legs and holds them tightly against his chest. White then brings his back foot parallel to his front (Figure 4-19).

c). White lifts Gray off the ground and twists to the side to throw Gray down sideways. Alternately, White can first hold Gray's waist, then slide down to grab both legs,1ift him up, and throw him sideways (Figure 4-20).


Key points

a). Move quickly to grab and lift your opponent. When squatting down, both knees should be well bent. Snap your knees to lift your opponent.

b). Use your head and shoulder to lean on your opponent's body on the side you want to throw him.

c). The lifting and leaning movements should happen simultane-ously.

7Holding Two Legs, Backward Throw抱雙腿向后摔

a). With his left foot forward Gray attacks with a straight punch to White's head. White ducks to evade the attack (Figure 4-21).

b). White immediately steps forward with his right foot and places

it between Gray's legs, then moves his left foot to get closer to Gray. White extends both arms and encircles Gray's legs and holds them tightly against his chest. In the meantime, White puts his right shoulder under Gray's abdomen (Figure 4-22).

c). If Gray leans forward to hold White’s back with both of this arms, White immediately holds Gray’s legs tightly and straightens up, lifting Gray and throwing him over his shoulder(Figure4-23).


Key points

a)  Before lifting your opponent, both knees should be well bent.

8.  Holding Two Legs, Back Falling and Turn Over Throw抱雙腿后倒翻身摔

a).Gray stands with right foot forward and attacks with a straight punch to the head. White evades the attack and immediately steps forward and places his right foot between Gray's legs. White uses both hands to grab Gray's legs at knee height and puts his right shoulder under Gray's abdomen (Figure 4-24).

b). After grabbing his legs, White continues to straighten up, lift-ing Gray on his shoulder. White stands and then falls back-wards. Once White passes his body's center of gravity, he twists his waist and turns sideways to land on top of Gray(Figure 4-25).


Key points

a). Snap your knees to lift your opponent as high as you can. Hold tightly with both arms when you twist your body side-ways.

b).Your opponent should land on his back with you on top. You should twist enough to land chest first instead of back first.

9. Holding and Penetrating Two Legs 抱双腿黑狗钻裆

a). Gray holds and presses down on White’s shoulders. (figure

b).White takes advantage of being pinned down by diving for-ward into Gray's legs. White uses both hands to hook and hold both of Gray's ankles from the outside. White then uses his shoulders to press against Gray's lower legs, upsetting his balance (Figure 4-27).

c).White then uses both hands to pull backwards, uprooting Gray and forcing him to fall (Figure 4-28).


Key points

a). Drive your body forward by pushing from your back foot so that your body moves as one unit to maximize the impact on your opponent's legs.

b).Simultaneously press your opponent's legs with your shoul-ders and pull backwards with your hands.

10. Holding One Leg. Inner Sweeping Throw 抱單腿打腿

a). With his right foot forward Gray attacks with straight punch to the head. White ducks under the punch. White may also ini-tiate the attack and then move in fast while Gray defends(Figure 4-29).

b).White steps forward with his left foot, placing it in front of  Gray's right foot. With his left hand White scoops up Gray’s right leg and holds it tightly. White extends his right leg between Gray's legs until it reaches the back of Gray's left

knee. White presses his right arm against Gray or wraps it around his body. At this point, Gray's weight should be on hisleft leg (Figure 4-30).

c). Turning to the left, White rolls his right hip forward into Gray's abdomen and swings his right leg backward to strike Gray's supporting leg, throwing Gray to the ground (Figure 4-31).


Key points

a).Your left leg should be well bent and your body should straighten up slightly after your left hand scoops your oppo-nent's right leg.

b). When sweeping your oppo-nent's leg, your left hand should simultaneously pull to your rear left corner.

11. Holding One Leg. Pushing the Chest Throw  抱單腿推胸摔

a). With his right foot forward Gray attacks with a straight punch to the head. White ducks under the punch. White may also initiate the attack and then move in fast while Gray defends. White lowers his body and both hands (Figure 4-32).

b). White steps forward with his left foot and places it in front of Gray's right foot. White lifts Gray's leg with both hands and holds it tightly, then extends his right leg in behind Gray's left foot. White presses with his right hand against Gray's body to upset his balance(Figure 4-33).

c). With his right leg continuing to block Gray's left foot, White pushes forward with his right hand to make Gray fall on his back (Figure 4-34).


Key points

a).Your left leg should be well bent and your body should straighten up slightly after your left hand scoops up your opponent's right leg.

b). Holding One Leg, Pushing the Chest Throw is very similar to #10 except that this technique only uses the right leg to block your opponent's supporting leg and the right hand to push him backward.

12. Holding One Leg, Sideways Throw  抱單腿側拌

a). The holding leg method is same as Figure 4-32 (Figure 4-35)

b). After White grabs Gray's right leg, White makes a half step for-ward with his left foot to draw near to or parallel with the right foot and uproots Gray. As White lifts his right leg up, White extends his right leg to the outside of Gray's left foot(Figure 4-36).

c).White then sweeps his right foot from right to left. Simultaneously, he uses his head and right shoulder to hit and press sideways to the right to make Gray fall sideways (Figure4-37).


Key points

a). Your left leg should be well bent and your body should straighten slightly after lifting your opponent's leg.

b). The foot sweep and the head and shoulder press must be simultaneous.

13. Holding One Leg, Backward Over the Shoulder Throw  抱單腿后摔

a).The holding leg method is the same as figure 4-32, except that after White grabs Gray’s right hand under Gray’s groin area and puts his shoulder under Gray’s stomach(Figure 4-38).

b).White straightens up and throws Gray over his shoulder(Figures 4-39 and 4-40).


Key points

a). Both knees should be well bent when you squat both legs and straighten your waist when you right arm should lift upwards to your back. down. Snap stand. Your

14. Holding One Leg, Lifting Up Throw抱單腿上托

a). Gray attacks with a front kick or heel kick at White's torso. White leans back slightly or steps back to evade the kick. White uses both hands to catch Gray by the ankle (Figure 4-41).

b).White lifts Gray's foot and pushes forward to make him fall(Figure 4-42 and 4-43).


Key points

a). You must lift fast to catch your opponent by surprise. This will give him no time to pull his leg back. Remember to push your opponent's leg forward toward his body while lifting.

15. Holding One Leg, Pulling Throw  抱單腿下拉

a). Gray attacks with a front kick or heel kick to White's torso. White uses both hands to catch Gray's kick at the ankle(Figure 4-44).

b). White, holding the ankle with both hands, steps back with his front foot and jerks Gray’s leg forward and downward with strength and speed to make Gray fall(Figure 4-45).

Key points

a). Your back step should be as long as possible. Give your poop-nent no time to pull back.


16. Holding One Leg, Pressing the Neck Throw  抱單腿壓頸勾腿

a). Gray throws a right roundhouse kick to White's left side. White uses the Palm and Elbow Crossing Method to block Gray's kick (Figure 4-46).

b).White holds Gray's right lower leg with his left hand, and extends his right hand to the back of Gray's neck and presses downward. Simultaneously, White extends his right foot to hook and kick Gray's supporting left leg (Figure 4-47).

c).White turns his body to the rear right while his hand keeps pressing downward to destroy Gray's balance. White's right leg continues the hooking motion to make Gray fall (Figure 4-48).


Key points

a). Your left leg should stay slightly bent to maintain good bal- ance throughout the throw.

b).Apply force simultaneously when hooking your opponent's supporting leg and pressing with your hand.

c). Adjust the distance between you and your opponent accord- ingly so that you can hook his leg.

'7. Holding One Leg. Hooking and Pushing Forward Throw  抱單腿摟踢前推

a). Gray throws a right roundhouse kick to White's left side. White uses the Palm and Elbow Crossing Method to catch and hold Gray's left leg with his left arm (Figure 4-49).


b).White steps forward with his left foot, then extends his right leg to the outside of Gray's left leg and hooks behind the knee. With his right hand, White pushes forward and downward on Gray's shoulder to upset his balance (Figure 4-50).

c). White continues to lift with his left arm and apply force with his right hand. White hooks his right leg toward himself to throw Gray down (Figure 4-51).


Key points

a). Your left leg should be well bent to keep good balance at all times.

b). After hooking your opponent’s leg, pull it closer to you to upset his balance. The right leg must coordinate with the right hand to create symmetry power for a strong takedown.

18. Holding One Leg, Carrying Over the Shoulder Throw  抱單腿過背

a) Gray attacks with a right heel kick to White's torso. White, with right foot forward, catches Gray's kicking leg with both hands. (Figure 4-52).

b). White steps sideways with his left leg behind the right, turns his body counterclockwise on the ball of his right foot and squats down with his back facing Gray. At the same time, White pulls Gray's leg onto his right shoulder (Figure 4-53).

c). White straightens both legs slightly and pulls Gray's leg over then inward to his stomach. White keeps his chin tucked in and bends forward to throw Gray over his shoulder (Figure 4-54).


Key points

a). Both knees should be well bent.

b).Pull your opponent's leg forward and into your stomach as quickly and forcefully as possible so he doesn't have time to stabilize himself.

 19. Scooping the Leg, Shoulder Pressing Throw 抄腿掀靠

a). Gray attacks with a left heel kick to White's midsection. White moves to the right to evade the kick and catches Gray's leg at the same time with a right-handed scoop (Figure 4-55).

b).White continues to raise his right hand while turning to the left. Simultaneously White uses his right shoulder to strike Gray's left thigh. White steps back with his right foot after his

body turns to the left. This reinforces the stability for the shoulder strike (Figure 4-56).


Key Points

a). Slide your right foot backwards and twist your body to your left as quickly as possible.

20. Holding the Leg, Pushing the Shoulder Throw 接腿推胸

a).Gray attacks with a right heel kick or side kick to White's mid-section. White moves left and scoops down with his left hand to catch Gray's leg and hold it tightly (Figure 4-58).

b).White steps forward with his left foot and hooks Gray's left ankle while using his right hand to push Gray's shoulder to make Gray fall sideways (Figure 4-59 and 4-60).


Key Points

a). When stepping forward with your left foot, be ready for a pos-sible right-handed strike from your opponent. An option is to seal your opponent's right elbow before coming in.

b).Use your back foot to drive forward to create pushing momentum for more power.

21. Holding and Checking Leg Throw 搂腿挫压

a). Gray throws a right roundhouse kick to White’s left side. White intercepts with the palm and Elbow Crossing Method (Figure 4-61).

b). White then turns his left hand outward and them upward to hold Gray’s right leg tightly. White extends his right leg to the back of Gray’s left ankle to block his foot. White strikes with  his right hand and presses forward or seals Gray's right hand to prevent him from striking (Figure 4-62).

c). White continues to hold Gray's right leg. White uses his right hand to keep pressing forward and down to the left. White twists quickly to the left to throw Gray down (Figure 4-63).


Key Points

a). After catching your opponent's leg, hold it tightly and bring it close to your body so that when you twist to the left, you can also use your body weight to press his leg to make him fall.

b). Twist your body to the left as quickly as possible and sink low to keep good balance.





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